Agencija SNOB je ipak odustala od ovog projekta, jer kandidati moraju snimiti sve scene, pritom uložiti dosta vremena i novca da bi što bolje izgledalo, a jedan od glavnih razloga je što scene moraju snimiti 4 devojke zajedno, a ne svaka posebno. Zbog moguće zloupotrebe tih kadrova, a i eventualnog nepoverenja kandidata, ne želimo da radimo na ovom projektu. Izvinjavamo se svima koji su bili zainteresovani za ovu saradnju. Pratite našu agenciju zbog drugih projekata i naravno, učlanite se preko portala . Hvala na razumevanju.
I came across your website and I believe your talent would make a great fit for this project currently in development for a family comedy movie we are shooting in Bosnia called “….”. The story follows a group of female model spies hired by a top secret organization trying to kidnap a puppy for ransom money but the dog outsmarts them with funny booby traps around the home. We want them to play the model burglars. It will be a paid role with shoot dates of March 15th-March 21st 2025 then will be released on every big streaming site May 31st 2025.
In the audition stage we need you to make a short film test video with four of your female talent ages 20-40 any ethnicity reenacting the lines including booby traps stunts to see how they handle the slapstick comedy since this will be a big project. The short film test video will consist of 16 scenes with lines and booby traps stunts. If you’re interested let me know so I can send you the audition test video details!
Please do all of the lines and traps in in form of a short
film. Spies wear makeup, hair done and dress in all black
leather. Please do all 16 of the scenes/traps. All in the
form of stunts too. Example: If it says flour in the face,
then they all have to have flour in the face. Also please
film in the car, outside, rooms, kitchen etc. to fit the
script scenery. The short film should be at least 10-20
Wardrobe for the lady spies: Black leather shirts/coats with
black leggings. Makeup done and face out. No masks or hats.
Personality: Adult lady spies are arrogant, model
like,stunning, determined, and professional.
All scenes and stunts must be put together edited in the form
of the short film via Wetransfer, Dropbox or Google drive.
Scene 1
The spies arrive at the home in a car.
Spy 1: Here is our ticket to paradise girls.
Spy 2: Does this mean vacation on the islands?
Spy 1: Even better.
Spy 3: We are going to be so rich.
Spy 4: Over just one little microchip the agency back home
Spy 1: I want you two to check out the house before we break
Spy 3 and Spy 4: Understood.
Scene 2
Spy 2 and Spy 3 go to knock on the front door.
As they’re walking up they both start farting hilariously
holding their behinds.
Spy 4: Told you eating before this was a bad idea.
Spy 3: Ugh shut up girl.
They knock on the door.
Spy 3: Nobody is home.
They see puppy staring out the window then smile at each
Spy 4: We’ll come back later.
Spy 3 and Spy 4 both walk back to the car.
Scene 3
Puppy looks at them out the window going back to the car to
the other girls.
Puppy sets up a sequence of booby traps off screen.
Scene 4
The spies arrange a meeting sitting at a table before the
break in.
Spy 1: I want to know the status of our mission ladies.
Spy 3: Nobody is home. Only a dog.
Spy 1: Come again?
Spy 4: Yes, a little mutt.
Spy 2: This will be a piece of cake.
Spy 1: All we have to do is nab the little stinker and our
objective continues.
They all start laughing.
Spy 1: Get your rest because we have a long day ahead of us
Scene 5
The spies roll up to the house in the car with their makeup
done all ready.
Spy 1: It’s time.
Spy 3: Let’s get this chip.
Spy 2: Which ways do we go?
Spy 1: We all split up. Keep your phones on you just in case.
Let’s go.
They walk out of the car looking confident, smiling doing a
model walk.
Scene 6
Spy 3 and Spy 4 go on the side of the house but wires are
blocking their path that say “Beware! Electrocution”.
They both smile at each other.
Spy 3: Dumb dog. You think we are really that stupid.
Spy 4: Dogs are stupid.
They laugh.
They both touch the wires then are immediately electrocuted.
Their face gets smokey and they start farting with their body
wiggling and hair sticking up.
Spy 3: Help me mommy!
Spy 4: Bzzzz!
They fart out smoke ripping their back pants in the process
exposing their underwear.
They fall frontwards on the ground then fart out smoke one
last time while on the ground.
Scene 7
Spy 1 and Spy 2 go to the front door covering their noses.
Spy 1: What smells like burnt eggs?
Spy 2: I know. Smells like a barbecue.
They both slip on pretend dog poop sliding into the front
door smacking their faces then falling backwards on the
Spy 1 and Spy 2: Ouch!
They look up then two buckets of slime fall on their faces
from above covering them.
Scene 8
Spy 3 tries to pry open a window.
Spy 3: Where are ya doggy?
A diaper with powder cream on a slingshot into her face and
she falls in the grass with her face covered in the cream
with leaves and twigs stuck in her mouth.
Spy 3: Puey!
Scene 9
Spy 4 goes in through the back door but trips on a wire onto
a plastic wrap with glue on it. She lifts her face up angrily
Spy 4: Damn dog.
She turns around on her back then tugs for the towel but a
bowl of glitter fall’s on her face sticking to her.
Spy 4: Ugh.
Scene 10
Spy 1 and Spy 2 get in the front door walking in but step on
a string they look up. Two buckets of black paint pour on
each of their faces covering them.
Spy 1 and Spy 2: Ewwww.
They struggle to take it off but both bump heads falling on
top of each other taking the buckets off.
They both look at each other crying knowing the paint will be
hard to remove. The paint also makes their hair stick up.
Scene 11
Spy 3 gets in through the window finally but steps in two
boxes of glue with her feet stuck.
She eventually takes off her shoes.
Spy 3: Got to be kidding me.
She continues to walk then bumps into Spy 4.
Spy 4: What happened to you? Yuck is that powder cream?
Spy 3: Shut up. Why are you covered in glue and glitter?
They think both think they see the dog upstair.
They carefully walk up then slip on oil falling down the
stairs on their bellies back down stairs. They scream as they
go down.
Scene 12
Spy 2 goes to the kitchen.
Spy 2: Where are you doggy?
She walks in then a fishing pole or a hook latch on her back
pants underwear, she walks forward then hilariously gets a
painful wedgie.
Spy 2: Ouch!
She stumbles then face plants in a bowl of white paint.
Scene 13
Spy 1 opens up a closet door.
Spy 1: Gotcha!
A punching glove pops out smacking her between the legs
making her cross eye.
Spy 1: Oooooh.
She falls on her butt looks up then a toy ball falls on her
head knocking her out.
Scene 14
Spy 3 and Spy 4 go into the garage trying to find puppy.
Spy 3: Come out puppy puppy!
Spy 4: Easy there, we won’t hurt you. We have treats.
Spy 3 and Spy 4 move closer but fall knee first on
skateboards stuck to them by glue.
Spy 3: I can’t move.
Spy 4: Same here.
They both face plant in two cakes together. A lighter lights
near their butts with can of spray, they fart which causes
them to fart flames making them speed forward into a glass
window making their faces hilariously slide down the window.
They screamed as they roll forward
Scene 15
Spy 1 and Spy 2 hear police sirens and goes to hide in a
Spy 1: Don’t make a sound.
Spy 2: Okay.
Spy 1 and Spy 2 gets their hands stuck in glue, a lighter
lights near their butt.
Spy 1: Oh no.
Spy 2: Uh oh.
Spy 1 and Spy 2 fart then a mini pretend explosion happens.
They both stumble out disheveled, burnt , then fall face
planting in a big pile of pretend grassy manure mud (really
mud) They both lift their heads up look at each other, sniff,
then their eyes roll back into in the pretend manure mud
covered in it.
Scene 16
The four spies are escorted out to the pretend cop car in
funny ways.
Spy 3 and Spy 4 are wrapped up together looking like a mini
Spy 1 and Spy 2 are messy too burnt with pretend manure mud
on their face but put in the pretend squad car in a funny
The spies are all seen taking mugshots defeated.