Ukoliko niste član/ica Agencije SNOB, prijavite se da bi konkurisali za ovu i druge promocije, reklame, sajmove …

We are looking for hosts/promoter to help us organize promotions for …., a partner of the UEFA Champions League. We need 5 promoters/hosts for the following game:

Matchday 7:

Tuesday, 21.01.2025, Red Star Belgrade – PSV Eindhoven

The main task of the on-site promoters is to hand out samples of ….. (attached) to fans around the stadium – from around 2-3 hours before kick-off. The matches all start at 9pm, so we start setting up on site around 4 hours before kick-off. Ideally, the promoters should also be on site around 4 hours before kick-off. In order to have a consistent appearance, we will bring appropriate clothing (jacket, beanie, backpack) directly to the activation location.